Hand Crafted Stretched Canvas Prints / Photos Printed on Canvas

Premium Gallery Canvas Prints on Stretcher Frames (Gallery Wraps)
1. We use hardwood wood frames for stretching our cotton canvas. The stretcher strainers have a rounded face to ideally support the canvas without hard edges.

 2. The thick cotton archival canvas surface is ideal for providing the perfect combination of subtle texture and vivid color printing reproduction.

3. The appearance of the sides is important. We don't just appropriate the last 1.5" of your image for wrapping around the frame. We extend your file by 1.75" in each direction to add an appropriate border.

4. After neatly stretching the canvas material around the back and securely tacking the canvas, we apply a high density backing with cobbler nails (not staples) and then install a saw tooth hanger or beehive hanger as a finishing touch. The beauty of canvas wraps is that this product is ready to be hung in your home or office.

5.To maintain the perfect frame proportions, we offer dozens of custom size frames. You can provide us with the approximate width or height you wish to order and email a high resolution digital image to be printed.

6. Our turnaround is fast. We print and hand stretch these products right here in Waukesha, Wisconsin so if you are local you can pick these up at our design center and eliminate shipping charges.

7. Our staff is eager to answer your questions so please give us a call
at (414) 403-3394 with any questions or a price quote.

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Tru Blue Signs & Graphics of Waukesha / Milwaukee Wisconsin
Phone: (414) 403-3394   Fax: (262) 798-5260